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February 27, 2009

Finally, I am done being sick. It’s taken nearly all month to get over this illness. The last two nights of being sick were terrible, since the moment I lay down, my nostrils completely blocked up and refused to budge for hours no matter what I tried to do. One night I sat up until 4am before my nasal passages cleared up and I could sleep. It was terrible. Since then, I’ve been so sleepy. I’ve slept so many extra hours, and yet I still feel drained. By 6pm, I’m drained. Physically and emotionally.

I’ve actually had time this week to finish my final exam due next week. And yet, I’ve not touched it at all. I realized in the back of my mind I could finish it and then have the weekend to relax. Any other week, that is what I would have done. Blech.

Oh, and I was snubbed by a cute guy from class yesterday. I seem to be attracted to men who have absolutely no interest in me. That or I’m attracted to terds (this is what I was told).

That’s all I have to say.

