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Good news, bad news

February 4, 2009

So the good news first? Two manuscripts of mine got accepted for publication. One yesterday and one today. On a role, baybay!! I just doubled my publication list in 24 hours.

Bad news? Woke up Monday morning with a sore-ish throat, which progressed to myalgias, arthralgias, cough, and by nighttime I had a fever. Tossed all night, and awoke this morning woozy and broke into cold sweat when I tried to get ready for class. Ended up spending most of the day in bed. Feeling quite a bit better now. At least the fever is gone, and the myalgias are more bearable. Headache still though and sore throat. Will probably be able to go to work tomorrow.

It’s crazy. I spent years takimg care of children and never got a fever. Now I get enough sleep, I get sick from contact with adults. Second illness this winter! Perhaps I should blame going out Friday night dancing. Ah well.

New qin song, by the way. Very different piece about a drunkard. It’s a fun one.

