Archive for December, 2008

The year of me

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

I have been thinking, since posting that last post, of how the past year has gone and what I hope for the coming year. The last year has been a whole lot of working my ass off to get over hurdles while trying to stay sane. Hurdles overcome, I think it is time to take […]

Year in review

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Feeling much better now that I’ve spent some quality time with good friends. We went out for dinner at a nice Italian place and spent hours chatting about everything. It was really good to catch up with them. Our trip home was in some nice light snow, so it was absolutely perfect. It’s nice to […]


Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

I’m not sure how I should express this, or if this will step on anybody’s feelings. But the truth is, I’m really quite disappointed with this vacation back “home”. I spent months missing home and looking forward to getting back here to be with my family and friends, and somehow mostly it hasn’t turned out […]

White Christmas

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

After getting all my exams in, I flew home for the holidays in time for (1) coming down with a bad cold and getting mothered by the one and only and (2) enjoying multiple snowstorms from the comfort of a heated home. As a result, I’ve been doing quite a lot of sleeping. Which is […]

Autumn wind

Monday, December 15th, 2008

Hooray! I can play the song in its entirety. I warn you, it still needs a LOT of work, but I thought I’d post it up just for kicks. It’ll give you a sense of how the song should sound eventually… I present you -  song and lyrics:
Ode to the Autumn Wind - Li Bai
Autumn […]

Blech, exams

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Unfortunately due to the busy quarter in classes, I’ve got three exams to contend with. I’d just submitted an abstract last week, have a manuscript to work on, and these three exams to do (two are crazy long take home ones and one is an in class one). So it’s really not much of a […]